About /updated on 08-31-2014

If all your interested in is the other stuff of life then I have plenty of that to go around. For starters I was an orphan for most of my life and during my childhood and adolescent years I was moved around by the State of Ohio children services as well as the Catholic children services to many different foster homes, group homes, adoptive families and institutions.

As an example to this statement, I had 16 different last names growing up. I am an alumni of Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska was well as Carson Long Military Institute of New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania.

But the most unique aspect of my youth, was being raised in a convent with nuns of the Franciscan order of Sisters.

Sister Claudine and Sister De Carmel past away several years ago, and I still think of them often. Matter of fact Sister Claudine was granted the right to be my legal foster mother by the court system in Ohio as well as the Catholic Church Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. So yes one of my mothers was a nun and I am proud of that.

Although as a teenager it was not so great, because other kids did not want to come over and spend time at our house. However, I think for the most part, I turned out OK and for the better for have been raised in all of those different types of environments and by so many different personalities and adaptation I had to under go so, so many times.

I joined the U.S. Coast Guard when I got the chance to at the age of 17 years old. While as a Coasty, I served on board the Icebreaker Mackinaw (WAGB-83) out of Cheboygan, Michigan and earned my Cuttermans Pin also at that time.

I also have 7 years experience as a certified Firefighter II and EMT II / Rescuer, with EOA, Defibulater an Health care provider credentials while I was stationed with the Burtonsville Fire Department, Sta.# 15, in Montgomery county Maryland. And also in addition to that, I moved to Clark County, Las Vegas, Nevada and re-certified for and additional 3 years as a EMT so that I could help take care of an ailing aunt.

I am a marksman with the M-16 rifle and 45 Cal. pistol and I hold top gun honors in Las Vegas during qualification certification for Expert with a 9mm Glock. Funny thing is, not only can I shoot extremely accurately with complete confidence, but I can also save a life if possible, and if for some reason I can’t, well I can always give them last rights…lollol. Nothing like having a corner on the market…lol.

I am a past member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, in Gettysburg Pa., AOH Pvt. Barney Devine Division in Adams Co. Div. #1, and I was chairman of the board of the Pro-Life committee for two years as well. I am still today, a current and active card carrying member with the National Ancient Order of Hibernians in America, INC.

During my time in Gettysburg, I decided to make a run for public office. Hopefully as the next member of the Boroughs Council for the third ward. Not once did I make a run at the seat but twice, once in 2003/04 and then again in 2007/08. Both times I won the primary elections and both times I lost the general elections, by only double digits.

In 2008, I was inducted into “The Global Directory of Who’s, Who” for 2007/2008 for my management skills an costumer service in the Hospitality Industry in Gettysburg, PA. And for all of my community activities. From working closely with homeless issues in Adams, County to a whole gambit of affairs that even included working on issues such as the Americans Disabilities Act and issues that the National Park Service were implementing that had a direct effect on the citizens of this Historic community.

As of (January, 7th, 2011), I found out that I was inducted into the Cambridge Directory of Who’s, Who for the 2010/2011 year. This honor was bestowed upon me for the work accomplished in spreading Gods word, world wide since 2009 with our ministry. Bringing people from all different faiths together under one banner know as Celtic Cross Ministry. This ministry now has more than 13,528 Christian Warriors at the time of this statement between all of our social media sites as well as our affiliate ministries and churches around the world.

This has been accomplished not by just one man but, by the will of doing our Lords work as a group. Unceasingly against all odds. What I mean by all odds is, that between April 19th and May the 2nd 2008, I lost five loved ones all in that two and a half week period. And at that pivotal point, my world turned up side down.

I quite my job at the Motel in Gettysburg and went on a sabbatical. It was during this time that my health turned almost critical and I was admitted into ICU at a VA hospital, with a blood pressure so high (diastolic and systolic) that it could have killed the average man or at the very least, put me into having a major stroke if not a major heart attack.

After recovery I traveled around the country, with no real plan or direction. Things got so bad that I hit the proverbial bottom and ended up in a homeless shelter here in Lorain, Ohio. A state I had grown up in, for the most part and a state I left for about 25 years before. And now. Here I am, back here again trying to rebuild my life yet once again and helping others enrich their spiritual life as well. At least I hope and try.

Kinda funny when you think about it. As a young lad, you leave home and try to conquer the world or at least cut your piece out of it. Or at the very least, try and leave your mark on it. But no. Not me. God just gave me enough time away to come back full circle. That is to say, the place I started from and left never to come back. And yet, upon coming back, I came back a whole lot wiser than when I left. And who says the Heavenly Saints don’t have a since of humor. Well, I’m pretty sure that the Irish ones there had a good chuckle on my behalf…lol.

I don’t mind very much that the saints have a good laugh at my expense, for the reason that when our Lord does call me home, they will be mine for an eternity. We’ll see then who gets the last laugh…lolol… Lord have mercy…lolol.

Anyways, moving on now, it was at this point that God sent four individuals into my life that ended up having a very profound effect on what I have chosen to do with God’s guidance. Though the story is much to long to tell in this forum I will say that it did involve two Lorain, city councilmen, a born again Christian who just happened to be a Rabbi and a “so called Christian Minister” that had been ordained back in 1995 with the ULC (Universal Life Church).

And though this may sound like a setup to a joke, to me it was no joking matter. I use the term, “so called”, because there was nothing in his actions or attitude that would have suggested that he was a minister of God. But far be it form me to judge him. For I know that God will hold him accountable at a higher standard for his actions as He will me.

A personal note here; To me if you can’t tell, I figure that there is no greater gift from God, and to mankind, then to answer His call to serve Him, as well as to serve His chosen flock. Which I will add, I take very seriously.

I have to! Because peoples eternal salvation their very souls and eternal peace are at stake. And in our world today, those stakes have never been higher with selfishness and self-centered attitudes running wild and unchecked. Along with countering and dealing with the liberal mindset of society, which is demanding and forcing and corrupting the people by the tens of thousands every day and all for their own personal and selfish ways and having such a great influence upon it and throughout the nation and world. And folks that is a major responsibility and I am honored and more than willing to do my best and to it take on. No matter what Satan or mankind throws at me.

It’s a matter of respect for the calling, for God and for my fellow man. It maybe the only hope for many in this world. That is to say that I and the rest of our clergy in all divisions of this ministry also take on and proudly so.

I believe with all my heart that there is no greater gift then ones personal salvation and that it is truly the greatest asset and commodity God has given to mankind and that mankind who excepted it freely, by their own choice, will ever have. The sad thing about it is, that folks today, don’t seem to put much value on it, thinking that they will be justified no matter what say, or what they do or don’t do with their life here on earth. Most Christians seem to think they are guaranteed eternal entry into heaven.

The thing is, most people who claim to be Christian don’t live by the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, nor take seriously what God finds acceptable and or an abomination.

We all see it everyday. Whether you choose to or not, we do. So with that world view and philosophy, I know we here with Celtic Cross Ministry have a real up hill battle to fight, in-order to get folks back on the right and righteous path God and Christ want us and expect us all to be on.

How else can we look into Gods eyes on our judgement day and truly be justified with the choices most people make.

The worlds religions have misguided, misinterpreted and maybe unintentionally or even intentionally, mislead the Holy and devout word of God to the public for decades, if not for centuries. This is not to say all members of the cloth but yet many, nonetheless. It’s either that or mankind just doesn’t care enough about life after this one, to even work at understanding what is right and godly or not.

Anyways, it was due more to these last two men (the Rabbi /Born again Christian and the Minister who lead an alternative life style) and the personal things that had happened to me throughout my life that I decided to commit to serve God, Christ and Mankind.

So as to show the world and prove to those that have been hurt or mislead by their church leaders for one reason or another. I want to show mankind that Gods true ministers are sincere in all aspects of what is Godly and righteous in their lives and ministry. And to take the gift of the Father upon ourselves so as to put into our personal trust, each, a portion of His flock to watch over, to care for and to guide as a good mentor would, a mentor of Christs words and actions.

I have been ministering now for more than 35 years, and though raised in the Roman Catholic faith and church and by my own choice, became born-again in 1986 through the First Church of God, Anderson Indiana affiliate in Barrs Mill Ohio. Not the pentecostal church group with the same name but affiliated with Cleveland, Tennessee. It was God that allowed me to wonder in my own personal desert of life’s experiences for the past forty plus years, just waiting for me. Waiting, to finally except the calling that I have always known I’ve had but, like many people of the world tried almost endlessly to no avail, to be like most folks.

I guess that is why God has allowed my life to reflect like a mirror back on other peoples lives so. It is this insight of life that God has aloud me to live through and be able to relate to folks from all backgrounds and all types of religious beliefs. That is to say from the very, very rich and powerful to the poorest of poor and destitute in this world.

I believe it is because of this outlook on life that Father has allowed these honors to be given to me yet again.

I apologize here to you for I seem to have gone a wee bit of a tangent. Although, you at least have a better understanding of who I am, what I hold dear and why I do what I do as well as the out look, philosophy and vision I have about life today.

Granted the awards won’t even get me a cup of coffee but they are such rare occurrence in ones life, that I am deeply humbled and very honored to have it happen to me twice in one life time. It just goes to show that something good can always come out of so much tragedy in ones life and workout for the glory of God’s plan in ones life and for the world. Meaning people, just like you.

Well, moving on here as for family I have only one child a daughter, who has given me two beautiful grand-daughters and an awesome grandson. By the way my grandson is the first male child born into our family in fifty years. I also have a wonderful and very loved sister and half brother who are absolutely awesome. At least in my heart. In continuing, I also have two nephews as well, from my sisters side of the family tree.

Well that’s it for now, I’m getting typing cramps…lol. And if you’d like to know more, all you have to do is ask.

My life has always been an open book (so to speak) as well as very public and God has always used that to His advantage. Which in away, is my blessing and gift from Him.

So until we have a chance to chat someday, may our Lord Jesus Christ keep working in your lives and increase your faith and devotion in Him and guide you as to His ways for all mankind. I will pray in His holy name for your blessed salvation and life to come. God Bless you all and thanks for reading my ramblings…lol. And I wish you personally, a very, very blessed day and life eternal in His presences.

Sincerely, and dedicated to being IHS and yours,
Bishop Andrew Manley
Join us at: http://www.celticcrossministry.com

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