Your help is very NEEDED… Please…

Warriors, Your help is needed, please click the link below and if God leads your heart to help Karen and her son through a real tough time please do so. Time is running out. And there are few if any options left for them. This is very, very important to me.

I don’t and have not asked anyone for tithes and only once in 4 years have I asked for a love offering to help this ministry and at no time has anyone ever sent help. That is OK, in my heart I never really expected anyone to come to my aid.

But this is different. It’s not for me but for two people who I know very, very well and who when I was homeless, helped me out and yes their story here is true. I have even been helping these folks out by putting them in contact with state and county agencies here in Ohio but to no avail.

Now they have no where to turn and I am still doing what I can to help them. Karen and Jon are really good people and they really do, need your help. So please do what you can and donate even a few dollars.  For every dollar truly does help.

Remember what goes around comes around and who knows, you might find yourself or someone you know in this same type of situation. Besides you know as well as I do that God loves a cheerful giver and that you will be blessed 100 fold for doing so. Thank you with all my heart and prayers…

Time , is it really on your side?

Is time on your side, or do you wish you had more time? Listen to this message and find out what time can do for you. It truly is worth your time. So go ahead and click the link below or copy and paste it into your browser if you must and find out what time is all about…

Sincerely yours in Christ time,
Bishop Andrew R. M. Manley DD., O.S.A., O.S.P.

The Christian Warrior Network  &  Universal Life Church of the Celtic Cross


Are you having a rough day already. Not sure how things are going to unfold for you in your life. Than click this link and let Sugarayballard bring you some, “Good News”… Have a blessed day everyone. And thank you Sugaray for the ballard…