Support MUTTS in a RUT

Shop tomorrow and 10% goes to Mutts in a Rut Rescue!
Mutts in a Rut Rescue, Inc.
P.O. Box 111335
Cleveland, Ohio 44111
Check out our website

Fire devastates the Southern Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Sweetwater, Tennessee

Dear brothers and sisters, I have sad news this morning.

I have need for urgent prayer for our Ecclesiastical Communion Affiliate Church, The Southern Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Sweetwater, Tennessee. They have suffered a major loss early this morning via a destructive and devastating fire.

Their entire Church at this hour is a loss. Due to a possible electrical issue cased by the store unit next to them, which is where the fire started and spread, wiping out their storefront community chapel.

Fr. Jason Crowder+ is in contact with me and asking for your prayers at this time. So please keep this wonderful church family and man of God in your prayers and lets help them in whatever way we can, showing our love and support as Christ leads us to do.

I will bring you updates as I get them to keep you all informed. Thank you and bless you. And may God bless our Brothers and Sisters of the Southern Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Sweetwater, Tennessee in this sorrowful time.

Sincerely IHS and yours,
Patriarch +++Andrew M. B. Patrick

Support Refugees International #GivingTuesday

We here at Celtic Cross Ministry Inc.

Support the work and efforts of Refugees International.

We ask that you do as well. For millions of lives are at risk all around the world and all life matters. So please help us, help this great organization continue to do the ground breaking working they do in bringing the real news of what is happening to those most affected by life’s most unsettling circumstances.

Give Today and help save a life. For tomorrow maybe to late for some.

All Lives Matter! Please give…

Sincerely IHS and theirs,

Patriarch +++Andrew M. B. Patrick

Launch of our (Christians Underground Network) website

We will launch our new website dedicated to our Media Division and our Subdivisions.

 Everything media will be represented on it, from the Celtic Cross Global PRESS Corp, the Celtic Cross Radio Network, The Christians Underground Radio Network, the Celtic Cross TV Network and the Christians Underground TV Network along with space for notifications, PSA’s, Events and Campaigns.

And a lot, more! 

This will be a great source for you to keep in touch and grow with us,

as well as help support our ministry and mission efforts.

So be sure to be watching out for (

Coming soon to a search engine and browser near you!

We go live with the site Monday morning at 10:00 AM.

Help this to go VIRAL, please…

CCFM - Operation Burundi - 2016

Join Us in our Mission to help bring,
Relief, Peace and Stability to Burundi and Africa.

To learn more and to help, go to…

You can do something to help spread Christ’s love to those in desperate need of your loving, caring, support and aid.

Help is needed either with financial aid or physical effort.
Thank you and God Bless you and those who contribute today.

Sincerely IHS and yours,
+++Andrew Patrick (+++nnDnn+++)

PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE. It is a small way to show support and very much needed. Thank you to all those folks that do. May blessing over flow for your love and kindness in doing so! (+++)

Bridging the Gap – Christians Underground Radio Network

Folks join us tonight at 8:00 PM (EST) for Bridging the Gap on the Christians Underground Network of CCRN, with Bp. Todd Smith.
He will be speaking live with Patriarch +++Andrew Patrick about the CCFM and the mission of Operation Burundi and the Celtic Cross Church Movement on the world stage.
Call in’s will be accepted, and added to the program and discussion.
So be sure to tune in “LIVE” and here about the CCFM from the vision instilled into +++Andrew Patrick’s heart by our Lord Jesus Christ. Where it started and the direction the vision is taking the CCFM into the future.

Operation Burundi Africa


Greetings and Blessed Salutations Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,

I come to you with a special Decree to be fulfilled by all Clergy, Knights and Dames, Chaplains and private citizens who follow and support what we are doing in our Lord’s Holy and Blessed Name here in the United States and around the world.

It is the world I come to you this evening for. To ask you to help this ministry and our Church Plantings around the world in our humble effort to spread the Love, Peace and Grace of our Lord to those who have lost hope and had the world as they knew it, ripped from it’s very foundation and uprooted them to far off lands seeking help and finding some but mostly adversity and evil along their way.

I come to you with a heavy heart and great burden, one that has cut deep into my soul and spiritual essence. That being those of a small sovereign country called Burundi, Africa. The people of Burundi have been facing a major Civil War for over a decade now and has seen genocide committed for one standing firm on the belief of individual freedom and democracy. The people have lost so much of their life and hopes and even dreams do to the atrocities committed by those elected to give them hope, fairness and a new life. Instead they have been met with a diminished way of life, some isolated, some segregated, some cast into slavery and servitude and some even unto death for standing up against the very law and governance that swore to protect and serve them.

I was asked more than a year ago to try to help and through the last year and several months, I have been looking into the situation unfolding in Burundi and followed other groups and individuals that have seen first hand what I speak to you about this evening. My heart is heavy for the people of Burundi as it is for many cultures around Africa and the rest of the world, even here in the United States of America where we to have people persecuted for their belief and shunned because they have not wealth or education or even good health, but are aging and trying to survive just like others around the world, even in Burundi.

To I ask you to quit looking the other way. Keep in mind that the worlds problems are just as important to address as our own personal and even private issues. We are all interconnected we are all brothers and sisters even though we have different ways, customs and traits. We who call ourselves Christians know that what I say is true, we are all indivisible under God. One God, the God of Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac.

The Celtic Cross Foundation Board of Directors and I have decided to commit every resource at our disposal to help the citizens of Burundi, the Refugees from there which are now scattered throughout the neighboring countries around that tiny nation. Millions have been displaced from their homeland and are wearing down the resources of the countries next to it as people by the hundreds and even thousands cross into their sanctuary borders trying to flee the death and destruction they left behind.

Yes, there are a few groups and organization doing all they can to help in and with this crises. But it is not enough. More needs to be done and more can be done. Keep in mind that the tiny nation of Burundi is the key to almost all that is going on in Africa that is causing it to be unstable. Greed, is but one cause that is the issue. And for the fact that people like you, either have not heard of what is happening there or maybe you just don’t care because it doesn’t affect you on that same personal level it does them.

Well that is where you are dead wrong. You should not only care but should do all you can to help create an environment that is conducive to all people. A place where true democracy can flourish for the betterment of all people, not just a few. I know many of you do care and, that you want to do something to leave this world better off than when you were here. That is for the next generations of family and friends.

Trust me when I say that enough is NOT being done. For if we continue to ignore what is happening elsewhere in the world, even in a tiny country like Burundi, how can we look God in the face on our judgment day and say honestly, that we did all we could. Knowing in our heart that we could have done more and not sacrifice our own comfort and security. Remember, God is the seeker of mankind’s heart and mind and knows all. So he truly knows if you have or have not.

I am not judging you but you are being judged on this as well as all things you experience, do and don’t do in your life. That is just the facts of the matter.

Yes, I am trying my hardest to get you to move and help in something that is truly bigger and more monumental than most likely anything you have done before, excluding our war-time veterans and their families. The world and the Christian civilization is under attack in many ways.

Isn’t it time to truly stand up and be counted worthy to be called Christian and a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ for the world. For by helping the world, we help ourselves and future generations.

It is time to STOP being selfish and self-centered. There is no, me in the Trinity. But rather One God, One Son and One Spirit. For there is something you can do and you should be doing it. Otherwise you are not doing the will of our Father in Heaven.

I know what I have said thus far may seem harsh, unfair and even by some who read this as insensitive. But you are so very wrong.

What is harsh, unfair and insensitive is what is happening to the people of Burundi and elsewhere in the world. I am merely trying my humble best to provoke your inner spirit to do as I have done and investigate the situation at hand and get involved.

I do not intend to hurt or intimidate you to get involved but unlike many in the world today that are having their freedoms and liberties ripped from them, is more than you or I, will most likely go through in our lifetime. That is not to say it could not happen, for it can and just as easily so.

Though many would fight back the best they could. It is that, that makes you and many relate and understand the seriousness in my words here. It is time and we must no longer look the other way. People are dyeing, struggling and fighting for their life and freedom to live and provide for their families and loved ones. So try to walk a mile in their footprints before you do decide to not get involved and help in some way. Even the smallest gesture contributed by many will add up to be a great deal by those who have nothing.

So with all of this stated, I am hereby committing the CCFM and every department and division to commit to doing all they can to help those who are suffering and lost. Who only want peace and to be able to return home to live in safety and security. Those who wish a better life for themselves and their families and loved ones just like we have in varying amounts.

We can make a difference, YOU can make a difference, we all together, can make a positive difference. Thing is, we must first commit individually as well as collectively and move on from there.

Yes, this is a massive undertaking and commitment of the next 5 years to see it through. I know we will be able to make a positive difference not only for the people of Burundi, but also for our world and it’s future.

We here at the CCFM pray every Tuesday evening as we did this evening and we pray one particular verse within it that states; “You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven”.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Brothers and Sisters, I believe with my whole heart that this is true and that what we do from here on, will make the world a better place. Remember, Christ was but one person and look at the profound difference He made on the earth for all mankind. You too can be part of this vision of a safer and free Burundi. And help stabilize the Eastern and Central Africa, which will have a ripple effect on the whole continent of Africa before we are though.

So go to our Ministry and Church website at the link below and see what we see and let us know how you wish to help. Remember the only thing stopping you, is you. Nothing else.

Thank you for your time, prayers and support in helping fellow-men and women and their children have a dream of home, security, prosperity and most of all love from you to them for their success.

Any question, comments or concerns, please ask. Resources are available to help you and your group or organization. Just please don’t delay, lives are depending on what you choose to do this very minute and into the future.

Humbly and Sincerely IHS and yours as well as the people of Burundi Africa,
Patriarch +++Andrew Moses Brendan Patrick
Celtic Cross Foundation of Ministry.

~ Public Notice ~

Presiding Bishop Crest Seal - 2016 - 6

Greetings and blessed salutations Ladies and Gentlemen and fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

I would like to take a moment and clear up any misunderstanding as to myself taking the title of Patriarch. There are several individuals and church organizations that are attempting to cause division within the body of Christ. Meaning the Church of our Lord and Savior.

First let it be known that we do not attack publicly or privately any Church group or Organization. Be they Catholic or Protestant in denomination. And we see the attempts of a few individuals that are without understanding of our ministry structure trying to cause issues that do not pertain to them via our church and ministry. With that said I remind everyone that we are all called as Christians and followers of our Lord Jesus Christ to love one another as he loves us and to bear good fruit for His kingdom. We are all called to minister and are ordained by Him to do so.

Many in the world today seem to forget these little facts of calling ones-self a Christian and I wish to remind everyone that, that is what Christ wants and what we here at the CCFM will continue to do no matter what opposition arises. So with this said, let me set the record straight.

On March 3rd, 2009 I started this Ministry and Church of the Celtic Cross. Being ordained with the Universal Life Church and working within that structure through that ministry and Church was affiliated with International HQ., of Modesto California, the ULC Seminary of Elk Grove California, the ULC Monastery of Seattle Washington and left all of their affiliations and brought the CCM / CCFM into the ULC World HQ in Florida. Through these notifiable and internationally recognized ministries was appointed as Reverend Father, Monsignor and later Bishop. But do to theological and operational differences, left theses Church ministries.

In (I think it around) June of 2012 came under the Episcopal authority as an independent church and ministry with the Traditional Old Catholic and New Horizons Church in the United Kingdom and was granted full authority by the Archbishop and later Cardinal of that organization and elevated to Senior Bishop Primus and head of the CCM / CCFM. But again do to differences of Dogma, Theology and Church structure, left the organization.

In late 2013, I decided to come under the Episcopal authority of the Re-formed Old Roman Catholic Church of the United Kingdom which later merged with and with the help of our Celtic Church became one of 11 churches that re-established the original Holy See of Antioch after more than 700 years of isolation. Which in it’s self is an independent Sovereign Nation State under International law. Granted by the office of HH. Queen Elizabeth of England.

Through the Holy See of Antioch and the now Holy See of Antioch Old Roman Catholic Church United Kingdom was elevated to Archbishop. But yet again to differences of Dogma and Theology and, having my resignation from the HSA declined, am for all intensive purposes still a founding member within it and an active member of Clergy. (Personally). Though do to those differences I pulled the CCM / CCFM away from the organization in order to protect the CCM / CCFM Church and it’s Clergy from any leadership that would cause them undo-rest by having to follow Canon and Dogma, that does not follow the whole and infallible word of God.

In a further explanation to this fact, My Cardinal showed me the Documents via Skype and video conferencing, those documents which “INFERRED” the elevation to Archbishop and signed by my Cardinal and the head of the Holy See of Antioch himself.

In (I believe it to be) June of 2015, made this maneuver with the blessings of my Cardinal with the HSA. Who personally holds all records pertaining to the events that have brought us to this final statement.

During the months that followed, there was an attempt by a very, very large international Catholic Church denomination (not the Holy See of Antioch), to insert by their authority on an individual, elevate them to Cardinal. Which, if were accomplished, would have made that individual the head of the CCM / CCFM. And since this denomination was NOT affiliated with us, I did what I had to do and took the issue of events to our four Councils that govern and oversee the CCM / CCFM as a Church and Ministry. And under special dispensation of OUR Canon Law #132, was unanimously elevated to Cardinal and head of the CCM / CCFM and now the Old Catholic and Protestant Celtic Templar Rite of Churches and Ministries, nationally and internationally.

So by the authority vested in me granted by Christ Jesus, I accepted the responsibility of overseeing any and all operations within the CCM / CCFM globally.

But do to the fact that I personally have never had hands laid upon me at any point in my ministry to serve our Lord and His flock, I dropped the title of Cardinal and accepted the title of Patriarch as I have with the help of God, our Lord Jesus Christ and their Holy Spirit, along with individuals that do and still have Apostolic lines which they bring into the CCM / CCFM. I am rightfully the 1st Patriarch of the Old Catholic and Protestant Celtic Templar Rite of Churches and Ministries and all offices, agencies, divisions, subdivisions and departments of the Celtic Cross Ministry and the Celtic Cross Foundation of Ministry.

Because of what mankind has done and said in public and private and, because our Church recommending it, I dropped the title of Cardinal (in hopes that this would curve and silence our critics), so as to lessen any confusion by man (individually or collectively) or any Organization or Group of denomination be they Catholic or Protestant.

They have zero authority over the Celtic Rite, the CCM or the CCFM and we are a legal Church established in the United States of America. Never once have I personally claimed to have Apostolic Lines or Hands laid upon me, though many have promised to do so. (And they know who they are). There by using us (the CCM / CCFM) to get what they wanted. And not holding up to their promises. Yet that is okay and all is forgiven. But God will not forget.

But such is life and our Lord Jesus Christ states in the Scriptures that “you will know them by their fruits”. We as a collective of national and international members of the cloth, have and will continue to do just that. Bear Good Fruit for the Kingdom of Heaven.

I apologize for any misunderstanding but, keep in mind that we are not governed by any other denominations law or canons but by our own and are in the right to do so by standing firmly on the whole word of God.

I am sure that this message will incite many emotions that would be to long to list here yet, some of them good and some bad. It does not matter to me what mankind thinks but, only what our Lord Jesus Christ thinks. Which He must be thinking good of us because of the Good Fruit of the harvest, we have earned thus far for his kingdom.

So I leave you with one final thought, that being, the intent of an individual or group that tries to do the work of Satan and man, claiming to be who and what they are and trying to tear down what God, Christ and the Holy Spirit has built. Our Lord Jesus Christ called me to minster back in 1986, it took me until 2009 to accept His calling and though I was happy to be just a little sidewalk preacher reaching whom I could and bring them to the Cross of our Lord. He had other plans for me and the vision he put into me. His plan has grown to be this beautiful Ministry that serves Him, no matter what mankind thinks, say’s or does. He is the Head of the CCM / CCFM and this Church and Independent Old Catholic and Protestant Celtic Templar Rite. I am but His servant doing the absolute best I can with others that feel the same way. We are not in Ministry to make money and get rich off the backs of others. We are trying to survive and grow in a world that desperately needs help and the unadulterated word of God in their lives. I look at these attacks as personal and yet, I do not faultier in leading this band of Brothers and Sisters up a lighted path that God has placed in my heart.

I do however, question the intent that theses individuals and groups are perusing. And look upon it and their actions as ungodly and not fitting of a person who claims to be Christian, let alone a man or woman of the Holy Cloth of Christ. But workers and doers of the evil one, Satan. We have never and will never personally attack another person or group for any reason other than, for not holding to the whole word of God our Father in their lives. That is, as we do to any person in this world that does not hold to the infallible truth of the Holy Scriptures contained in the Holy Bible.

We do not challenge anyone except to look deep inside themselves, searching their own heart and soul for the answers which they seek. For what comes out of mans mouth and through their actions, says a lot about them and their ability to lead others. One day (and I hope in the not to distant future) official hands will be laid upon me, personally by qualified members of Clergy. Maybe within our own body of Christ or not. But one day it will happen.

Keep in mind that our Lord Jesus Christ called me and you, out of our personal desert in this world. He calls on ordinary people to do extraordinary things and as written in the Scripture of the Holy Bible, “He who has not sinned, cast the first stone”. We try our best each and every day to do the Lords work in His fields around the nation and around the world. I see nothing wrong in that and, though we have a strict code of Canon, Ethics and Morality governing each one of us within the CCM / CCFM it is only placed as the foundation which all Churches and Denominations should stand on when serving His flock.

Trust and Transparency are a corner stone to this ministry as well as the God head. I maybe the leader of our band of Brothers and Sisters and Flock, but I am just as you are. Or at least should be. That being lowly in heart, loving and forgiving, faithful and tolerant, yet never compromising what is instilled by God in ones heart. One question to be thought about before acting is to which God one is listening. Satan is the master of deception and all have been for warned via the Holy Scripture to be on guard, watchful and careful and even slow to act. Proving ones self worthy of having hands laid upon them. This I have shown and will continue to show through my leadership and on my watch.

We will all stand accountable before the Father and, we will be judged on what we did and did not do while here on earth. “We are not human beings going through a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings going through a human experience”. (Author Unknown). I believe this with my whole heart and I want you all to know that if I have done anything wrong, than tell me. But I have never lied, deceived or manipulated anyone to bring the CCM / CCFM to the place it is today in the world. But only done as God lead me to do in such a short period of time (almost 7 years).

I will always love even those that attack us, those that hate and envy us and I will always pray for those individuals and groups that do the work of Satan, even if they think they do the will of God.

There will be no further discussion on this matter for this statement stands as a testament of who I am, who we are and our purpose to continue to do our Lords will over that of a disgruntled individual or group. It is their issue, not that of ours.

We are fully independent of any an all denominations. Never once have I claimed to be “Pope” or even “His Holiness”. But rather a poor sinner and maybe even the Master Chief of all Sinners at that. I have repented of my sins and confessed them before God and Mankind publicly. I have been atoned of my sin by our Lord Jesus Christ and I and the members of Clergy of the CCM / CCFM choose to follow the ways of Christ and His path “for us”. Question remains what about them? Whom will they follow? Time will tell and the truth will be revealed. I personally would do as the Scriptures say and that is to tie a milestone around my neck and cast myself into the sea, lest I cause one of His little ones to stumble and fall. How about you?

If you feel this way than stand with us. If not, than get out of the way. And stop trying to create controversy where there is none. The fight is with Satan, the world and his demons, not us and we stand with God and those that “prove” they to, are doing the same.

Sincerely IHS and yours, with malice towards none, and love and prayer for all,

H.E. Patriarch +++Andrew M. B. Patrick, Head of the Old Catholic and Protestant Celtic Templar Rite of Churches and Ministries and the, Celtic Cross Foundation of Ministry and Celtic Cross Ministry Globally

Help us spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the Globe


Folks, we are looking for “sponsors” corporate and individuals to help our Ministry and Missions in India, Africa, Philippines, Russia, Pakistan, Chile, Spain, England, Ireland, Scotland, Switzerland, Virgin Islands and here in the United States.

That’s right folks, six Continents out of seven the CCFM is represented, That’s 12 Countries plus the United States of America. I also predict that we will have clergy in the seventh ( Australia and New Zealand) as well sometime in 2016.

Folks we need your financial help today and continuing into the future. Whether it is a long-term commitment, short-term or a one time offering, it all counts and helps the CCFM to continue to spread the Gospel and programs to those in need of our Lord and Savior. So please help us help others today.

If you can help, please visit our Website and make your Donation or Love Offering there. It is a secure transaction through our PayPal Account. You can print out your transaction when finished and use it as a Charitable Tax Deduction for helping our Churches and Ministries.

Let us know to which program you wish to sponsor or we will stretch it as far as we can. Every dollar helps greatly and they really need your help.

Thank you and Bless you this Christmas Season and well into the New Year to come.

Sincerely IHS and yours, Cardinal Andrew

Ministry Website:

Interested in becoming one of our Clergy, either Catholic or Protestant.

We want to hear from you! Our website will aid you in knowing more about us as well as what we are doing the unite and change the face of Christianity. You to can be part of this growing church planting and ministry where you live and travel.

Were always looking for God Loving, God Fearing individuals to join us in ministry.

We are the Celtic Rite of Templar Churches and Ministries. Our website will guide you to get in touch with us for your application request. Feel free to contact us at our Email Address also. (

Contact and help us help other, today!

The Bishop’s Appeal

Bishops Appeal - 2015


Folks, the CCFM needs your financial support. We are at a cross roads with the ministry and are seeking individuals like yourself to help us to continue to grow and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ around our Nation and the World. We are very aware that times are financially tough on most everyone and so it is, also on the CCFM as well.

We have been growing steadfastly for almost 7 years now. And gone through many changes as we have tried to grow and help others with what we do. We are unique in many aspects of our ministry work, unlike many other churches and ministries. One of our policies is to do that which other churches and organizations are not doing within the communities where the CCFM functions.

As many of you know none of our ministries or churches accept tithes from anyone. We work with the Poor, Homeless, Addicted, Mentally ill, the Disabled and the Elderly as well as the general communities in which we serve the Lords flock. And since we work with the poorest of our nation and world, we are finding it a major struggle to continue in the areas of administration and in supporting the most needy with aid of all types. Such as Bibles, Education equipment and materials, Food, Clothes, Medical supply’s and equipment. To name but a few.

We also know that there are many organizations that work in these areas that are also seeking your assistance. We know that this can be burdensome and taxing to say the least. Though I have asked in the past for your support on a number of programs, we have yet to receive any.

So I am asking now for you to pray on this matter and find it in your heart as God leads you to send us a love offering or even help us with a monthly contribution if you can and are will to do so.

In the almost 7 years of operating, we have received less than $1000.00 USD and though it is greatly appreciated and we truly did stretch it as far as it would go, it is not enough. Yet by our Lord’s Grace, we have been able to continue to work hard for you and expand the ministry.

Providing as much as we can when and where we can. Each of our clergy invest their own personal incomes to their ministries just as the CCFM does here at the global hq.

However, I stated, we are at a cross roads. We can continue to progress as we are or with your financial help and support, we can move onto the next phase and reach out and do so much more for so many more, here at home in our own nation and around the world.

We have made to process as easy as we can. That being, go to our Official Website and at the bottom of the Home Page, click on the Donate Button and you will be able to, Place your Love Offering through our Secure PayPal Account. It’s that easy. (

I wish to thank you for your time in reading this plea for your help and no matter what your decision, we truly do love and appreciate you and your interest in what we do and what we try to do for others.

May our Lord bless you abundantly and always keep you safe and healthy.

Sincerely IHS and yours,
Cardinal +++Andrew M. B. Patrick
Celtic Cross Foundation of Ministry
and the Celtic Rite of Churches and Ministries