Because you don’t really know…

Folks some very valid points and facts are referenced in this video blog and promotion.

It might interest a few to know what factual discernment of Scripture has to say about the end of times.

It is rather a big pill to swallow and in some cases even a bit far-fetched, to some degree. But after watching and listening with an open heart and mind, I can see nothing wrong in preparing oneself for what could happen “if” (the biggest little word in our vocabulary), Scriptural Prophecy is to take place.

We have seen many events in our own time that bring us (a logical thinker with true Christian Values) to the “realizations that we are in the End of Times”. It is what we do next with the knowledge that has been placed into our hearts by our Father in Heaven, that will enable us to “endure until the end”.

This promotion is one of those tools or at least could be used as one, to say the very least of it.

I’m not endorsing this or these publications but, I am willing to encourage you to watch it completely and then pray on it and proceed as your heart and God your Father guides you to do so.

It’s like I stated at the beginning of this message. It does raise many questions and it gives biblical facts (whither you chose to acknowledge the subject and concept described here, is your choice). I just want people like yourself to take seriously their eternal salvation and their preparation to eternal peace with our Lord Jesus Christ. And helping you to prepare to some degree for what might happen.

The Holy Word of God, is the best way you can prepare for that what if scenario, and we will always encourage you to seek God above all else, when it comes to your survival and those you care about.

So take it as you wish, but remember that there is nothing one person can do alone. that is in reference to stop what this video represents as the beginning and the end. But you as one of our Lords chosen, know what is truly at stake if one does not take serious the warning (no matter how it comes) of our Lord Jesus Christ, God our Father and their Holy Spirit. The faithful, the true believer and follower of Jesus Christ and His ways, can and should do all within their power to help and continue, until the end.

Again, I am not endorsing this message, but would take into serious contemplation the concepts that are mentioned and discussed in it. So do take the time to watch it all the way through and then pray to our Lord and ask for guidance as to what you should or should not do, from this point forward. That is to say, when it comes to your eternal salvation.

Remembering also, that in the last days, there will be true Prophets as well as false Prophets among us and that we always need to be watchful and careful. So follow the link below.

Survive The End Days Main

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