What say you???

Folks, for some reason God lead me this morning to a Google + page and I was asked to follow “Pakistan”. As I was reading their page I came across this comment from someone on their link and I feel lead to share it with you. Along with my response as well.

Sep 21, 2012 – Public
I wish key mein is page ka admin na hota to aj jo kuch hmare mulk me hua us pe comment kar sakta =( Allah bless us & our country and guide us on right track, Ameen.

Dear sir, I respect your comment however, what if Allah says to give yourself and your nation, over to the saving grace of His Son, Jesus Christ?

Will you obey Him?

And as with the Apostle Paul when God asked him why he persecuted him and His followers, what would you say to Him?

I maybe an American but I love and respect all faiths and I am a Christian first and foremost. Will you allow and respect me and my right to keep on praying worshiping and living with my personal convictions of undying love and faith in God, His Son (Jesus Christ) and their Holy Spirit?

If you were here in the United States I would respect you and your personal right to worship God in your own way, would you do the same for me?

Or would you rather be a follower of other radical believers of Islam and force Christians believers to the slaughter? I can tell you this for sure, that is not the God I know. My God tells me to love my neighbor as myself, not to go and kill him for his belief. I present this question this way because here in the United States the Muslim believers of Islam and the Qur’an are free to live and worship as they wish, without fear from the government or it’s people. At least in most cases. We to have our radical leftest idiots who hate any and all peoples. In my book they don’t count for much, but as in your country we to have to contend to their actions as a law abiding country. And their actions will not be talorated. What about you? Or would you rather be a leader for a righteous, loving and forgiving God?

Sincerely, your brother in all things Godly, with sincere devotion and love for my fellow man, no matter where he or she lives…

Bishop Andrew R. M. Manley DD., O.S.P. and O.S.A.. of the Universal Life Church of the Celtic Cross… U. S. A.


SMAmjid Khan2:49 AM 09/24/12

I have high regards and respect for you and your noble thoughts.
Faiths and Religions are meant to “Caring & Sharing”.
We as a whole need to learn and understand the value and importance of Cool & Patience.
I am not a scholar like you but being a poor learner at least I have learnt that all the Messengers (124,000) of Allah (God) are ought to be Respected by all the Human living on the this planet which are around Seven Billion so far.
I stand prepared for learning.
God bless us all
Celtic CrossTV4:15 AMĀ  09/24/12

Then this I have to ask you, have you read the New Testament of the Holy Bible?
SMAmjid Khan8:35 AM

No sir.
I am really sorry for not being ignorent about New Testament of Holy Bible. I shall be happy if you kindly share with me.
Celtic CrossTV10:53 AM

I shall and if you wish I’ll set something up for you. Are you here in the Sates? If so where, or are you in Pakistan? And again where?

Anyone, anyone at all ???

From my Evangelist, Abid Nawab

A minister with the ULC of the Celtic CrossĀ Pakistan…

Pakistani Media will not , Ā the serious crime of Pakistan Muslim nurses poisoning their fellow Pakistan Christian nurses at the Civil hospital of Karachi the last week of July. Recently 8 Christian nurses died and 11 are in serious condition and have been admitted to ICU.

The Gakistanovt Of Sindh Province
or by supreme court of Pakistan has not as of yet taken action against these murderous act because the Christian nurses were drinking tea during fasting months of the Muslim Religion. Ramadan migrates throughout the seasons, 2012 July 20 through August 18.

Evangelist Abid Nawab sent this to me 8/4/12 in broken English and is very sadden regarding these murderous acts by his fellow countrymen and greatly loves his Nation. He is asking us to pray for the children and people’s of Pakistan and to have this unjust act publicized via our Facebook accounts because their Media refuses to.

Attention: From Bishop Andrew R. M. Manley

I realize that several Christian brothers and sisters stood up for the owner of Chic fil-A the other day and for that action they should all be lifted up in prayer. But if you noticed, I said “several” which does not constitute a whole. Meaning, where are all the people who call themselves Christian and what are they waiting for. Someone to poison them or cut off a family members head and put it on youtube, before the put real political pressure on this nation’s government.

I’ve had enough, So here’s a plea folks. Lets just start with our own ministers and maybe even put a request out to Rev. Mike Huckabee and Rev. “Billy” Graham, Jr. or even Rev. Jesse Jackson. Or any large evangelical minister like Rev. “Rick” Warren, even. I don’t know what else to do.

My ministry speaks out on this issue and much, much more and this ministry reaches out to my small humble congregation about these issues and even more. They tell me that they didn’t know these things were going on. So together we do what we can.

But American Christians seem ether deaf, dumb or blind to what is happening to other Christians in other areas of the world or they know but feel powerless or the just don’t give a _ _ _ _. (it’s only four letters and it rimes with sap). I put out information on several ministry sites I talk with ministers and priests from different churches and they give me the “bobble head syndrome” ( that’s the nodding of the head in agreement syndrome), and still do nothing.

If anyone whats to help bring this issue to light and make it a political issue in this years election say on foreign policy. I would be honored to help spearhead a campaign and bombard the media if I thought it would help. I just know that the major networks are to liberal to care about Christians suffering, being persecuted and or dying for their belief and love for Jesus. Anyone, anyone at all, got any ideas???

Bishop Andrew R. M. Manley DD., O.S.P.

310 West 7th, Street # 1212 Ā Lorain, Ohio Ā 44052 Ā U.S.A.

OR e-mail me at http://www.celticcrossministry@gmail.com

You can even leave a message here if you like…. I really don’t mind ! Your call !

Harken my words !

Those to the Right, to the Left, to the East, and to the West…

My fellow Christian Brothers and Sisters, and also to those that are not “Christian”. This message is ripped straight from the headlines. It appalls me, and is an abomination unto heaven, to see such hate taking shape as if it were a cancer spreading out of control. Our country from it’s beginning was built on ā€œChristian Valuesā€, but those same values are under attack right here on our door step.

In all actuality, I am beginning to think that there is no such thing as a ā€œConservative Rightā€ any more. Or, better yet, I wonder, if they do exist. I than wonder if they have a yellow strip running down their back rather than our, Red, White and Blue.

For what is happening to our communities, our states, or our country. There is surely a deep rooted hate and disgust being accepted as the average norm. I under stand the logic behind the separation of church and state. I can except the pledge of allegiance being taken out of our public schools. I can even see and except the concept of taking the words ā€œin God we trustā€, off our currency. But for the federal government, the state governments as well as our local governments caving in or rather, rolling over and not backing the very principles that this nation was built on, is the most baffling thing that you or I are ā€œforcedā€ to except.

I wonder what all of those that have died in any of our conflicts since before the revolutionary war must be thinking. It is getting to the point that the ā€œChristian Holy Bibleā€ will come under attack and some minor group of activists will come along and demand that the word ā€œHolyā€ be taken off the cover, because it offends them.

And we, meaning all, will most likely give into that request. O’ excuses me, demand is in all actuality the way it will be deemed. It is not enough that we (meaning Christians), have, of our own free will taken the word ā€œHolyā€ out of the phrase Holy Bible Study, to a shortened version as ā€œBible Studyā€, but then again I’m sure it won’t take long for a group of phobics, to yell that the word ā€œBibleā€ offends them and demands that it be taken off.

Yes, I used the word ā€œphobicā€ to mean liberal or even left, for I know without a doubt, that when those two words, liberal left are used together it is like throwing fuel onto the fire. No matter what word or words are used to describe them, will nonetheless, offend them just the same.

But now, that I think about it, maybe a better choice of words to describe the ā€œliberal leftā€, would be ā€œParanoid Phobicsā€. Either way we Christians are darned if we are not danged, for it anyways. So I ask, what of our rights? Who will stand up against this hate of Christianity around the world? Or for here on the home front, where are those special interest groups? Like the ACLU, ACORN, or even our major American news networks like, MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, and even ABC. I don’t know about you but I get more relevant news from the PBS World News agencies than any other outlet, even Al Jazeera gives me more information about what our American Government is doing than our own news agencies. But I reckon most of you already knew this.

Where have all of the good and honest and fair people gone? Even here in the good old US of A, we can’t get one to run for the leadership of the free world, America. Oh, again as I think of that last statement I realize the problem now. The problem is that there is no longer such a thing as a leader of the free world, and soon to be no ā€œsuper power nationā€, either.

The reason I say this, is the very point I have eluded to through out this message, that being we as a nation built on Christian values and faith, along with a strong morel character, have decided it is to dangerous to stand up. At least for standing up for what is ā€œrightā€, ā€œgoodā€ and decent in the world.

This does not mean we as a nation have not done some good in the world, but I wonder what if, we did the big brother thing for the right reason rather than for our special interest in a another country that has chaos, unless we only do it when it benefits us in the long run. Any way I don’t blame other cultures around the world to resent us as they do, for the fact that we are or have in their view lost our ā€œmoral fortitude, our resolve, and our determination,ā€ which is what made us great in the first part. So how dare we stand up for other oppressed cultures when we won’t even stand up for our selves.

I ask one final time, where is the real, true and loyal Conservative right in this nation, for truly I don’t see them running for public office and getting elected. For it is true that if they did come out and vote, come out and speak up, and or even come out period. This nation and our world, would be a much different and possible even a better place than what it is today.

So folks, get on the roof top, go to the highest mountain, sail the shining sea and yell out with one clear voice, Praise God our Father who art in heaven thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I vow this day and for the rest of my days, to stand up and fight Satan and his demons, where ever they are and by what ever means be necessary. To stand up and fight for the rule of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, now and to the hour of my death in this world. As a country, a nation, a community, a neighborhood, or even as an individual, I shall not be silenced anymore, for tyranny is the degradation of the will of the majority, no matter where it is found and or it needs to be called by it’s own definition, and that being, the death of human decency where ever mankind is found.

I would like to say to my fellow human beings. That is to say those that stand to the far left of me or even to those that claim to be a Conservative members of the right or even those that call themselves Christians. You may say that this message is hateful in it’s self. You may say that it is inflammatory, and some may even say that it is incitement or even border on anarchy. But I say it is my God given right as an American, to speak out when it deems necessary, and necessary it is. If you take offense than you need to examine your heart so please, don’t take offense anyone, for I am just calling it as I see it. Nothing more, nothing less. The situation at hand is just that simple, there is no ā€œgrayā€ area. Just the opposite is true and that being from a clear, transparent, view.

This message is directed towards those that are hard bent on tearing this country called America down from the inside as well as to this planet we all call earth. Doing what you are doing may seem to be the right thing to do at this moment. It is the long term I am talking about that final out come of these actions that will cause much heart ache to the generations to come. And by these causes you deem offensive, in most views, just have no merit. Instead, and if you don’t ad hear to my words, note here and now that it will be your own actions that bring us as a nation or as a world, down to the very door step of hell, and for where there is ā€œNO RETURN.ā€

Just one man doing what he thinks is ā€œrightā€ for myself and those that he calls family, which in this case, means all inhabitants of mother earth. Should rejoice in the fellowship of others, and in Christ Jesus, who is the all of man kinds savior and that means you as well, And it doesn’t matter if you like it or not or even want it or not, He loves you even when you hate someone or something. Also note that there is only one master, and I plus several ā€œbillion around the worldā€, call him the ā€œLord of ALL !ā€ And yes, God is good and God is merciful but remember this if you remember anything I have said here today, that being He (meaning Christ Jesus) has not come to bring peace on earth but rather a sword. Keep in mind that if you think I jest, in my remarks, than you need to read Matthew chapter 10, verses 27 through 42. And here by know, I do not jest, I speak only that which the Father has put into my heart for all mankind to hear. Even you. So those that have ears, let them hear.

Sincerely and with stern Christian Love for all man kind, Bishop Andrew R. M. Manley first a servant of Christ and secondly and American by Gods grace.